Photo of Professionals at McConnell Wagner Sykes + Stacey PLLC

Defending your Idaho business in a wrongful termination lawsuit

The prospect of a wrongful termination lawsuit can strike fear in the heart of any employer. The emotional and financial strain can be overwhelming, especially when you believe the termination was justified.

However, with the right strategies and legal guidance, it is possible to defend your company and mitigate or even avoid potential damages. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Idaho’s at-will employment doctrine

Since Idaho is an at-will employment state, you have a legal right to fire your employees for any reason, as long as it is not illegal. However, this does not provide blanket immunity from unlawful conduct as an employer. The at-will doctrine may not protect you in terminations involving discrimination or retaliation, as it is illegal to fire workers for these reasons.

Document everything

One of the most effective defenses against wrongful termination claims is thorough documentation. Keep detailed records of employee performance, disciplinary actions and any communications related to the termination. Comprehensive records can demonstrate that the termination occurred for legitimate business reasons.

Conduct exit interviews

An exit interview is your chance to clearly explain the reasons for termination and document them in the employee’s file. As a rule of thumb, always ensure the reasons you give exiting employees match those you would tell the court if you had to defend yourself against wrongful termination.

When combined with other evidence, such as employment records and performance reviews, exit interview notes can help to support your account of the termination.

Having experienced legal guidance can help protect your rights, present your case and help you prevail if a former employee files a wrongful termination claim.