Liens are a consequential feature of many commercial real estate transactions in Idaho. As such, whether you are buying, selling or developing commercial property, understanding how liens work can help you avoid legal disputes and financial setbacks. A lien is a legal...
Commercial Real Estate Law
Is that commercial property in the right zone?
When buying a commercial property, one of the first things you need to ensure is that it is in the correct zone. Typically, properties within a municipality are divided into three main zones: Residential, commercial and industrial. The type of business you plan to...
Before you sign: 3 crucial considerations for your commercial lease
As a business owner, committing to a lease is a significant decision that can have far-reaching consequences for your bottom line. The contract goes beyond making periodic payments; it’s a long-term commitment that defines your rights, obligations and...
Common title insurance company concerns: Commercial real estate
Title insurance plays a pivotal role in commercial real estate transactions, offering protection to buyers, lenders and other stakeholders against unforeseen claims or defects in property titles. However, legal complexities can arise for title insurance companies...
If you get a variance, does it change the zone?
As a business owner, you know how you want to use the new property that you just purchased. Unfortunately, after buying it, you have discovered that it is in the wrong zone. For instance, perhaps you wanted to start a commercial operation, but the area is zoned for...
Long commercial leases and the risks of squatters
Real estate laws related to adverse possession have been in the news quite a bit in recent months. There have been several high-profile cases of residential property owners being unable to gain possession of a property they purchased due to squatters. Squatters, or...
Understanding commercial real estate terms is a must
If you own property in Idaho, you’re obligated to adhere to state laws and regulations regarding such ownership, such as laws that protect the safety of visitors and guests. Failing to fulfill your obligations may lead to legal problems. As a commercial real estate...
Unlawful detainer and foreclosed property: What to know
In a market where real estate prices are soaring, short sales and foreclosed properties offer buyers unique opportunities to get the property of their dreams at an affordable price. What do you do, however, when you buy a foreclosure or short sale and the former owner...
What is adverse possession in real estate?
If you have any idea how real estate transaction work, you’re probably already aware that property doesn’t change hands without a great deal of paperwork. The one exception to that rule tends to unfold when adverse possession is involved. Adverse possession can allow...
Navigating landlord/tenant disputes in commercial real estate
Most areas of commercial real estate involve a certain level of complexities that have the potential to lead to occasional issues, disputes and even litigation. One area where this especially holds true is in regard to landlord/tenant legalities. Whether you are on...