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Facts about religious discrimination

When people hear the term discrimination, they often think of the more common types such as age, race, or sex. However, religious discrimination is also a serious type of discrimination that occurs in workplaces in Idaho and around the country.

What is religious discrimination?

Religious discrimination simply refers to treating a person or persons unfavorably because of their religious beliefs. It can also occur when religious practices conflict with an employer’s values. For instance, religious discrimination can occur when an employer refuses to reasonably accommodate the religious practices of employees or applicants.

As some practices are typically a part of an individual’s religious beliefs, religious discrimination may also involve employers who deny or favor employees because of their religious dress or religious grooming practices.

How can employers prevent religious discrimination in the workplace?

Employers can take a number of steps to prevent religious discrimination in their workplaces. One step is to develop and enforce an anti-discrimination policy that specifically includes this type of discrimination. This policy should be made known to all employees, and managers and supervisors should get trained on how to recognize and handle religious discrimination incidents.

Employers can also provide religious accommodation to employees and applicants, as long as it does not impose an undue hardship on the business. What religious accommodations are necessary depends on the religious needs of employees and applicants, which may include religious dress or grooming practices.

What does the law say about religious discrimination?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits religious discrimination in employment. This law applies to all employers with 15 or more employees. The law protects employees and applicants from being treated unfavorably because of their religious beliefs, including religious dress and grooming practices.

It’s important to note that this type of discrimination may be subtle, so it’s important to learn the signs that religious discrimination exists in your workplace.