Idaho employers are legally prohibited from discriminating against employees based on their pregnancy status. The law provides for compensation to Idaho workers who experience this type of workplace discrimination. Here are some key facts about pregnancy discrimination that you should be aware of.
What the Pregnancy Discrimination Act says
U.S. employment law, through the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) explicitly prohibits employers from discriminating against workers “based on pregnancy when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits such as leave and health insurance, and any other term or condition of employment.” Workers victimized by pregnancy discrimination who can provide proof of discrimination may be eligible for compensation through the legal system. However, the law only applies to businesses that have 15 or more workers.
You can’t be fired for filing a complaint following discrimination
Employers are not allowed to fire workers who believe they were victims of workplace discrimination in any form. This includes pregnancy discrimination.
You have the right to privacy
You have no legal obligation to disclose your pregnancy to a potential employer during the hiring process. They are not allowed to ask, nor are they allowed to pass over a candidate based on their pregnancy status.
Some organizations can discriminate against unmarried pregnant women
Certain religious or youth organizations can discriminate against workers if they are unmarried and pregnant based on their principles governing sex and marriage. However, the organizations must show that they treat unmarried men and women the same in this respect. The vast majority of employers, though, do not fall into this particular category.
As with other forms of unfair employment practices, the law provides protections against pregnancy discrimination for workers in the state. You are entitled to fair treatment regardless of your pregnancy status.