Disputes over unpaid bonuses and commissions can be frustrating. In Idaho, you address such disputes under specific legal guidelines. It's essential to understand how the courts manage these situations to ensure you navigate the process smoothly. Idaho's wage laws...
Employment Law
Defending your Idaho business in a wrongful termination lawsuit
The prospect of a wrongful termination lawsuit can strike fear in the heart of any employer. The emotional and financial strain can be overwhelming, especially when you believe the termination was justified. However, with the right strategies and legal guidance, it is...
How a recent Supreme Court ruling affects discrimination cases
The vast majority of employment discrimination cases don’t make it up to the U.S. Supreme Court. When the court agrees to hear one, the subsequent ruling can affect people all over the country – for better or worse. A ruling this spring is an interpretation of...
How could comp time lead to wage theft?
Wage theft is very common in the United States. Sometimes, it happens intentionally. But there are many other cases in which employers simply make a mistake. They never intend to take wages from their own employees, but that is what ends up happening. One example of...
Can businesses use “quiet firing” tactics?
Employees may be subjected to a tactic called "quiet firing" from their employers. In short, quiet firing is an attempt to push an employee out the door by making their workplace toxic or otherwise shutting them out. If an employee quits before an employer fires...
How to handle an employee’s unpaid wage claim
Handling an employee's unpaid wage claim can seem challenging. It is important to address it promptly and fairly. Understand the claim The U.S. Department of Labor accepts unpaid wage claims in its Wage and Hour Division. An employer needs to understand the details of...
Are you really an independent contractor? The DOL’s 6-factor test
Determining whether a worker is an independent contractor or an employee is crucial for businesses and workers. The Department of Labor (DOL) has established a six-factor test to help identify the true nature of a working relationship. Misclassification can lead to...
Handling an employee’s discrimination complaint: 2 crucial steps
Employers strive to cultivate a fair and inclusive work environment for all their employees. However, even with the best intentions, situations can arise where an employee feels discriminated against based on a protected characteristic like race, gender or disability....
What are the rules about tip pooling?
In general, tips are provided directly to the employees who earn those tips. These may be paid on a credit card, as a portion of the bill, or cash may be left on the table. When a business has multiple tipped employees, they will all take their own personal tips home....
Employers, conscious or unconscious bias can invade your company
Idaho's anti-discrimination laws shield employees from intentional and unconscious bias, a subtler form of discrimination that can creep into the workplace. In other words, your actions and policies could unknowingly disadvantage certain groups, even with no malicious...