Life comes with surprises, both good and bad. Fortunately, the Family Leave Medical Act (FMLA) provides protections to employees taking leave for qualified medical- or family-related reasons. As an Idaho business, providing FMLA leave to your employees lets them step away from serious situations. However, it can be easy for employers to make mistakes concerning these important laws.
Having no FMLA policy
The passing of the FMLA is federally legal, meaning it’s against the law for employers to not have an FMLA policy in place. If your business doesn’t have an FMLA policy, it’s now time to fix this mistake. Writing an FMLA policy is much more than a formality. It also lets your business choose how employees accumulate FMLA-related time.
Not sending out FMLA notices
Federal employment law also requires that employers send FMLA-related updates to their workers throughout the year. However, it’s understandable for a company to assume these notices are formalities rather than must-follow rules. Not sending out the required FMLA updates can land your business in legal trouble.
Failing to keep accurate records
Every company must accurately manage employee-related information. It’s sometimes easy for companies to mismanage information regarding their employees’ absences. This situation can lead a business to unintentionally distribute qualified time off unevenly, creating an unfair situation for some employees. Not tracking FMLA-related hours could also cause your business to overpay or underpay workers.
Never using official FMLA papers
Employees often use forms to send important information. If you think your business doesn’t have to use FMLA forms, think again. By not using official forms, you might ask an employee for more than they’re legally required to share.
Business owners have many responsibilities, including following all FMLA rules for employers. If you’re unsure of what information to share with employees, it’s always wise to double-check your company’s FMLA documents.